
Monday, December 24, 2007



After injury or any cut in the finger the fingerprint is well reformed and also it will be identical to that of the fingerprint which already existed that is, there will be no change between the older one and the newly formed finger print one.
Fingerprint classification:
There exist two types of process namely identification and verification. In identification there are two techniques namely computerized digital filtering and pattern recognition.

A fingerprint pattern can conceptually be partitioned into three areas namely core area, marginal area and base area. The ridges from these areas meet at the triangular formation called delta area.

Depending on the ridge flow in the core and the number or delta points, fingerprints are grouped into four major classes or types or patterns vise ARCH, LOOP, WHORL and COMPOSITE.

Raised portions of the fingerprints are called as ridges.

Delta point is a bi-radial point with three ridges radiations from it.

The core point is the top most point on the inner ridge alternatively it can be defined as the inner most point of the fingerprint.

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